Once we have forensically captured the data, it is reviewed for evidence related to your case. We begin with general issues and then drill down more specifically to target the relevant details efficiently and effectively, no matter the case size.

ArcherHall specializes in examination of digital evidence related to:

  • Theft of intellectual property
  • Misappropriation of company resources
  • Financial/Fraud
  • Personal and professional disputes
  • Data breech and incident response
We work with our clients to understand the situation, scope, key issues, and relevant data to review. Unrelated data is then culled to focus on the most relevant material, reconstructing events and answering the pivotal questions.

ArcherHall has investigated thousands of cases with evidence ranging from a single device to hundreds of devices.


Give us a call at (855) 839-9084

Or send us a message and we’ll get back to you right away.